
Board: Minimizing a DFA QUICKLY

  Check-out my new video about  "Minimize a DFA QUICKLY"   on my YouTube Channel: The board work and worked out example discussed in the video are available below.  To help my channel I'd appreciate if you would  Like, Share, and Subscribe to my videos. C heers, and be kind! -Antonio

Board: How to Minimize a DFA?

  Check-out my new video about  "How to Minimize a DFA"  ( How to Minimize a DFA? - YouTube ) on my YouTube Channel: The board work and worked out example discussed in the video are available below.  To help my channel I'd appreciate if you would Like, Share, and Subscribe to my videos. C heers, and be kind! -Antonio

Making Theory of Computation (Languages and Automata) PALATABLE

During my undergrad days as a student, and post-grad days, the one constant complaint students had, was that studying the theory of computation was just too hard.  For those who don't know what the subject entails, here's a quick summary. The theory of computation studies the fundamentals of "computation"; that is to say, it is not about computers or how they work, their electronics, architecture etc., but instead on the fundamental mathematics that dictate what "computation" is, and what a "computer" can do. For instance, can a computer add two numbers? Ofcourse it can, but how do we prove that is can?  The theory of computation can be used to demonstrate that given a question (with a "yes/no" answer), can a computer answer the question decisively? It is important for computer scientists and engineers to study the theory of computation, because studying it provides a foundation for understanding programming languages, how they function, ...

LaTex - Increase Section Depth - \subsubsubsection = \paragraph

Sometimes we need to go down to level 4, especially when using the Article class. At these times, it becomes necessary to find ways for typesetting sections at lower depth. To do that we use: \paragraph{.} To use sections (paragraphs), depth 4 and beyond, the following has worked for me: \usepackage { titlesec } \usepackage { titletoc } \setcounter{secnumdepth}{5} \setcounter{tocdepth}{5} \titleformat{\paragraph} [hang] {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries} {\theparagraph} {1em} {} Then use \paragraph{.} instead of \subsubsubsection{.} to create sections at depth 4.  \setcounter{tocdepth}{5} instructs the compiler to add entries into the TOC upto depth 5.

Fixing your screen guard on "RIGHT"

Here are some solutions that have worked for different people. Hope one of them works for you. I've tried them all. They are all good depending on your level of comfort and expertise. With those that use water, please be careful, as you might damage your device.  I would use a piece a tape and try to stick out all the particles off, but make sure you only tape out the particles and try not to stick it onto the sticky part. Our screen protectors are washable. I would try using a mild soap then running the screen protector thru running water. Let the screen protector air dry (sticky face up). 1. Wash your protector with warm water and some type of soap. 2. Let it dry for around 5 minutes. 3. Wet it again, and let the water drip off of it, but make sure it still has some water on it. 4. Position it on your iPod/iPhone in the best possible position you can manage to get it in. 5. Squeegee the water out with a credit card and make sure there are no air bubble. 6. Let it set for a...

Important Numbers for Vodafone Subscribers

These are some important numbers/codes for Vodafone Subscribers. They work for me. Hope they work for you too. Balance Enquiry : *141# SMS Balance : *141*1# Internet Balance: *111*6*2#

Using Windows Store (Windows 8) Behind a proxy

Hey, If you are like me, and are working behind a proxy server in Windows 8, then you need this to get around the inability of metro style apps such as "Windows Store" to connect to the net via your proxy server. Run this as the Administrator in the command prompt, netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie And restart any metro style apps that need the net. Hope this worked for you like it did for me :)